
"Do All Things With Love" Christian Writers Network is a place for Christian book, blog, or any type of writer to come and meet other Christian writers, link up their blogs and websites, announce book launches and network to promote your books and projects.
We are a new site and just starting out, but together and with God's help we can be a force to bring good Christian entertainment and information back to mainstream readers.

About Me:

My name is Diane Steinbach and I am a writer and published author. I have three books published on the subject of art therapy:  Art As Therapy: Innovations, Inspiration and Ideas: (Steinbach- Idyll Arbor Inc.  2005)
Art Activities for Groups: Providing Therapy, Fun and Function (Steinbach- Idyll Arbor Inc. 2002) A Practical Guide to Art Therapy Groups: (Fausek- Haworth Press 1997)

I have written for several periodicals and have spent many years now creating web content for many online sources.  Over the last year I have been co-author and web designer for 3 blogs, including Foster Parent Rescue.blogspot, Treasuring Grace. blogspot and ATA girls:all those artsy girls.blogspot. 

It has been through my work with some of these blogs that I have seen the need and desire amongst Christian writers to network and support each other. As the opportunities that I found were limited, I decided to start this endeavor and see where it leads....
Thanks for joining us... 

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