
"Do All Things With Love" Christian Writers Network is a place for Christian book, blog, or any type of writer to come and meet other Christian writers, link up their blogs and websites, announce book launches and network to promote your books and projects.
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Book Review on Create With Joy

Hi Fellow Authors
Just wanted to share the news that Create with Joy reviewed my book. Create with joy is one of our blog members here and does book reviews, among many, many...MANY other things, and graciously reviewed one of my art therapy books.
Thanks Ramona and I appreciate the promo for DATWL writers network as well!

Members, you'll also see the updated list running along the margin of blog hop members... be sure to visit each others sites and check out their works....

Here is a taste of Ramona's review... Thanks again Ramona!

Art As Therapy – Inspiration, Innovation, And Ideas

Art As Therapy
Art is a door opener.
Subconsciously or consciously
We all express our emotions through art.
Diane Fausek-Steinbach
Are you a therapist who is considering incorporating art therapy into your practice to facilitate your client’s growth?
Do you volunteer or work in an institutional environment that is interested in developing a therapeutic art program for its residents?
Are you a creative person who wants to use art to explore some of your personal issues?
Whether your interest in art therapy is professional or personal, you will find plenty of practical and inspiring ideas in Diane Fausek-Steinbach’s book Art As Therapy – Inspiration, Innovation, And Ideas!
In Art As Therapy, Diane provides you with an overview of the responsibilities, risks and rewards that come with using art as therapy. She shares tips on incorporating your own unique interests and talents into your groups and provides you with the tools you need to successfully launch your first group!
Here is a sampling of the types of topics that Diane addresses in Art As Therapy:
  • Safety Issues: Matching Your Materials To Your Group
  • Incorporating Different Modalities Such As Music and Recreational Therapy
  • Thinking Creatively: Where To Find Inspiration
  • Using New Technology & The Internet
  • Creating The Best Environment
  • Fund Raising
Read the rest on Create with Joy