
"Do All Things With Love" Christian Writers Network is a place for Christian book, blog, or any type of writer to come and meet other Christian writers, link up their blogs and websites, announce book launches and network to promote your books and projects.
We are a new site and just starting out, but together and with God's help we can be a force to bring good Christian entertainment and information back to mainstream readers.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Christian Writer Book Review Page

Hi Friends,
Please note we have a new Christian Writers Book Review tab where writers can request and accept book reviews to help promote their projects. Check it out and spread the word!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Christian Writers Blog Hop

Welcome new writer friends.  This is a new networking and linking site for Christian writers of books, blogs, articles and anything Christian themed for publication.  This is a place to help promote and support each others efforts on the web.
As we are still just getting started you can help spread the word by hooking up to our first Christian writers blog hop link (and don't forget to grab the code to put on your website) and place the DATWL button on your blog or website as well so that other Christian writers can identify and support you.
In the coming weeks we will build new pages and places for you to post your announcements and book links.
For now, simply post a link to your webpage or blog here in the comments section while I begin to build a separate page for all your sites.  
Being a "member" here is currently free of charge and only requires you to participate in the link list and posting the DATWL button on your site.
"Follow our page so you can stay up to date on all the new announcements and events as they happen.
Thanks and Welcome!